17 July 2014 Daniel Bensaïd’s widely reviewed memoir An Impatient Life is a chronicle of his radical and revolutionary yearnings. It chronicles a life learning the political importance of ‘active waiting, an urgent impatience, an endurance and a perseverance that are the opposite of passive waiting for a miracle.’ One review in the Independent summed […]
Currently the website is most complete in French. The versions in English, German, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese (and other languages) are work in progress.
In order for this to happen, we need to work on translations. Volunteers are welcome. If you have texts and/or videos that are missing from the website, please feel free to send them to us.
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In the meantime, the articles which exist in several languages are signaled with flags. The works that have already been translated are signaled in the Livres (Books) section.
You can find videos in English, Spanish and Portuguese in the Multimédia and Échos sections.
Below, you will find a link to the articles which don’t exist in French.
An Impatient Life reviewed in Red Peppers and Socialist Project
31 March 2014 In her review of Daniel Bensaïd’s An Impatient Life, Jane Shallice kicks off addressing the obvious question: “Why should you read this book? Written by a French Trotskyist, who died in 2010, and of whom few have heard and even fewer knew?” Because there is much to learn from Bensaïd, compellingly retorts […]
“A beautiful testament to a richly productive and dignified life”
29 January 2014 Dougal McNeill wrote a very enthusiastic review of Daniel Bensaïd’s An Impatient Life for the International Socialist Organization (Aotearoa). He calls the book “a beautiful testament to a richly productive and dignified life” that illuminates Bensaïd’s life-long commitment to revolutionary struggle, from post-68 Paris as a leader of the Ligue communiste to […]
Astonished by the present
Let us start, like Dante, in the middle. At age twenty-two, Daniel Bensaïd (1946-2010), a French-Algerian-Jewish philosophy student, vaulted eagerly onto the world stage of the international youth radicalization of 1968. His political stardom came by way of a leading role in the actions igniting the largest general strike in the history of France. At […]
An Impatient Life
By Mark L. Thomas Daniel Bensaid was a leading figure and theoretician in the French Ligue Communiste Revolutionaire (LCR, now part of the Nouveau Parti Anticapitaliste, the NPA) and the Fourth International, the main “orthodox” Trotskyist current, for more than four decades until his death in 2010. The great strength of his memoir, first published […]
Daniel Bensaïd’s Slow Impatience
By Dougal McNeill This absorbing, affecting memoir is a beautiful testament to a richly productive and dignified life. Daniel Bensaïd spent over forty years as a partisan of the revolutionary left in France, writing, campaigning, organising and agitating. Drawn into Communist politics as a young man and then radicalised, along with a significant section of […]
A Letter from Atlantis
By Tariq Ali Successful revolutions always try to reproduce themselves. They usually fail. Napoleon carried the Enlightenment on the end of a bayonet, but English reaction, Spanish nationalism and Russian absolutism, finally defeated him. The triumphant Bolsheviks, disgusted by social-democratic capitulation at the advent of the First World War, orchestrated a split within the working […]
An Impatient Life

Publisher: Verso Books
Format : Hardback 336 pages
UK : 6 Meard Stret, London WIF 0EG
US : 20 Jay Street, Suite 1010, Brooklyn, NY 11201
The Red Hussar: Daniel Bensaïd, 1946-2010
“It is said that one should live with one’s times. These times are dying. Are we then to rot and disappear along with them?” “But because thou art lukewarm and neither cold nor hot, I will begin to vomit thee out of my mouth”. Time is currently extracting a heavy blood tribute from the thinkers […]
Strategies of resistance + “Who are the Trotskyists ?”

Resistance Books, Londres
janvier 2013